As a business owner, you have probably asked yourself if it’s truly necessary to advertise your company. Can you afford an advertising budget? Will you see a return on investment? Will advertising drive customers to your business? The answer to these questions is a resounding yes. There are tons of ways to advertise, fitting every budget and every vision. Advertising is vital, as it is the most direct way to connect with existing and future customers. These are five reasons to make an advertising campaign a top priority for your business:
Advertising generates and reinforces brand awareness. We all want to make a good first impression. Creating brand awareness and getting your business’s name out in the public is the first step. Advertising is how you tell consumers who you are and how they should feel about you. The only way you get to decide what the public hears about you is by creating advertisements. You can’t control reviews, you can’t control other businesses, but you can control your message. Further – a consistent advertising campaign is the easiest way to reach brand new customers. A quick Google search of your products and services will show whether your business appears on the first page of results. Appearing on the first page is vital because 85% of Google searches never move further. That means if you aren’t on the first page, and you aren’t advertising, chances are that no one will find your business!*
Advertising increases traffic. Whether it’s to your website, your phoneline, or your actual brick and mortar, advertising drives consumers to your business. Advertising invites customers to evaluate your products and services, and ultimately make a purchase. A survey of over 3,000 companies found that marketing managers who maintained or expanded advertising over five years saw an average of 100 percent increase in sales, while companies that cut advertising saw less than half of that growth.**
Advertising connects your business to your community. 93% of people say that trust is the number one factor that impacts their purchasing decisions. A business that has proven involvement in its community displays a high level of credibility. You may think you have a great relationship with your community, but people move away and new people move in. It isn’t fair to expect your community to nurture and love your business as much as you do. You need to continually prove that you’ve got your community’s interests at heart. There are tons of advertising options for getting involved in your community – the key is finding the right one for you! You can support your local students by advertising during high school athletic broadcasts. You could keep your community safe by sponsoring severe weather reports. If community is your passion, the advertising possibilities are endless.
Advertising creates intelligent and confident consumers. By advertising your business, you are teaching consumers where they should shop when they need the products and services your business provides. Hearing the name of your business or seeing your logo also encourages consumers to do their own research. The information from your advertisements or the research they encourage can influence buyers on what to purchase before they even walk through the door. Not to mention, advertising keeps consumers updated on promotions, sales, and changes to your inventory or list of services. When a customer is confident that you have what they need, there is no risk to visiting your store.
Advertising keeps your business competitive. Everyone loves a good deal and finding that sweet spot of the best quality for the lowest price. This is why consumers shop around when making an important (or even casual) purchase. It’s time to face the facts: even your most loyal customers have taken a look at your competition. Promoting the quality, products, and deals that make you the best will keep you at the forefront of consumers’ minds. Further, consumers naturally gravitate towards businesses that they are familiar with; if they’re hearing your competitor’s jingle but not yours, guess where they’re taking their business. A strong marketing campaign is proven to put businesses above their competitors.
Any way you look at it, advertising is crucial to the immediate and long-term success of your business. First, you need it to tell the public that you even exist! Then a strong, repetitive campaign drives the message home. And don’t get discouraged by thinking the most “popular” forms of advertising aren’t right for you. There are endless advertising techniques and avenues, and you don’t have to be an expert on all of them – or any of them. That’s our job! Talk with a local My Town Media Marketing Consultant today about how to most effectively advertise your business.
*In addition to helping you advertise, ask us how we can help you get to the first page of Google search results!
** Source: Outdoor Advertising Association of Georgia